
The 5 Benefits of Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic body massage is one of the most popular types of massage thanks to its unique benefits. In Thessaloniki, lymphatic massage can help restore balance to your body and help you restart or activate your body's functions. 

At Marose , we specialize in holistic lymphatic body and face massage with manual techniques or a specialized machine.

Specifically, at our beauty center, we use the multi-application platform D - Finitive EVO and the specialized DRVS System to achieve lymphatic drainage with impressive results. 

Our specialized staff can explain all the benefits of lymphatic massage and provide information about body lymphatic massage, lower limb lymphatic massage, and general lymphatic massage at affordable prices. Lymphatic massage in Thessaloniki is not just a relaxing experience; it is an act of self-love.  

Benefits of Lymphatic Massage 

The benefits of lymphatic massage have been known for a long time and are now scientifically proven as we understand the vital function of lymph in the human body.

Lymphatic body and face massage is a gentle holistic massage based on specific massage techniques applied throughout the body. With extensive experience in this field, we have gathered the most significant benefits of lymphatic massage, presented in detail below:

  1. Increases Lymph Mobility and Blood Circulation. Lymphatic massage helps rejuvenate and tone the skin by improving blood circulation and enhancing lymph flow, contributing to the skin's renewal and regeneration.
  2. Detoxifies the Body by removing toxins from food, water, and fat metabolism and boosting energy levels. One of the most important benefits of lymphatic body massage is detoxification, strengthening the immune system, and helping the body fight infections.
  3. Reduction of swelling in the abdominal area, as well as the upper and lower limbs, and combating cellulite. Lymphatic body massage has the ability to reduce puffiness and fluid retention and improve the appearance of the skin by moving the lymph fluid in a completely natural way. Therefore, lymphatic system and cellulite are two closely related concepts.
  4. Reduction of gastrointestinal problems: With lymphatic massage, the body more easily eliminates toxins and excess fluids, which in turn helps improve many issues related to poor digestive system function, such as indigestion, constipation, or bloating.
  5. Boosts Metabolism: Activating the lymphatic system simultaneously activates the metabolism, improving overall body function.

Lymphatic massage in Thessaloniki is a gift you can give yourself today. Whether it's lower limb lymphatic massage or general body lymphatic massage, it will help you relieve pain, digestive disorders, and cellulite, strengthen your immune system, boost your metabolism, and deeply detoxify.

Lymphatic system and detoxification are the best combination to achieve the proper functioning of your body.

Lymphatic Massage Machine 

However, at Marose, we offer you the opportunity to activate your lymphatic system by performing lymphatic massage with a machine, also known as a lymphatic massage device.

We use the state-of-the-art D - Finitive EVO machine, which, with the DRVS System, achieves the much-desired lymphatic drainage. This service can be applied to the entire body or specific areas.

  • Arms: Biceps, triceps.
  • Abdominal area.
  • Legs: Quadriceps, abductors, adductors, hamstrings, calves.

It's worth mentioning that the D - Finitive EVO is a multi-application platform for body and face. It delivers impressive results from the first session without pain and is safe. This new technology addresses the lymphatic system and cellulite simultaneously for better results.

In this case, manual massage is replaced by analog rotational suction, a new technology that, combined with the simultaneous use of radio frequencies, is recommended for more demanding problems of liposculpture and cellulite.

Importance of the Lymphatic System 

The lymphatic system includes a series of glands, lymph nodes (about 500-600 throughout the body), and vessels through which lymph fluid circulates. It contributes to fluid balance in the body and proper immune system function.

When the lymphatic system works correctly, it filters and removes dead cells, toxins, excess fluids, and metabolic waste from the body, detoxifying and protecting the organism. Hippocrates was the first to mention the lymphatic system and its function in the human body.

Understanding the importance of the lymphatic system helps us realize why it is essential to protect and support its proper functioning.

Lymphatic massage, whether manual or machine-assisted for lymphatic drainage, is one of the main ways to achieve the desired results. It strengthens the body and its defenses and restores a generally healthy appearance.

Lymphatic Massage Prices

The well-trained staff at Marose is always at your disposal to provide details about our services and affordable prices.

If you want to learn more about lymphatic massage and prices or about the cost of lymphatic massage for cellulite, we await your call or visit our centrally located beauty center in Thermi.

Lymphatic massage in Thessaloniki can simultaneously offer you relaxation and enjoyment and improve your body's functions and appearance. Ask us about lymphatic massage, prices, and the offers we announce regularly, and trust our experience in body and face care and rejuvenation.

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